Which is correct? Tom is 13, and is still at a/the/Ø school, but Jim is now at a/the/Ø university studying English. - Ø,Ø, Find 2 mistakes with articles and correct them. I live in a flat in city centre, very close to the Oxford street. - in the city centre, Oxford street, Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø. He went to Italy on ___ holiday, and spent a week in __ north of __ country. - Ø, the, the, Is the sentence right or wrong? I usually go to work by the train, but yesterday I went by the bus. - Incorrect. by train, by bus, Which of these should begin with the? Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, Lake Ontario, Amazon - the, the,Ø, the, The or no article? He's usually at __ college in __ morning, and at __ work in __ afternoon. - Ø, the,Ø, the, Is this sentence right or wrong? In the USA most people go to work by car. - correct, Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø. I met__ Queen of __ England when I was in __ UK. - the,Ø, the, Is this sentence right or wrong? El Paso is on border of Mexico and United States. - on the border, the United States, Which is correct? I've got two cars, a/the Porsche and a/the BMW. A/The Porsche is much faster, but I usually drive a/the BMW. - a,a,the,the, Find two mistakes with articles and correct them. Madras is in the south of the India, on east coast. - India, on the east coast, The or no article? __ Lake Titicaca is in __Peru, and it's __ highest lake in __ world. - Ø,Ø, the, the, Find two mistakes with articles and correct them. John is standing on left, and Susan is standing in the middle, next to headmaster. - on the left, the headmaster, The or no article? __ French people love going out at __night, but __ English people prefer staying at __ home. - Ø,Ø,Ø,Ø, Which is correct? Sally lives at the/Ø top of a/the block of flats in a/the/Ø centre of the/Ø Madrid. - the,a,the,Ø, A, the or no article? Mark couldn't find __ job because he was in __ prison for ten years. - a,Ø, Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or Ø. When I was at __ school I lived outside__ London in __ suburbs. - Ø,Ø, the, Is the sentence right or wrong? I think dogs are more intelligent than cats, but horses are the most intelligent animal I know. - correct, Which is correct? They found a/the/Ø Titanic at a/the/Ø bottom of the/Ø Atlantic Ocean. - the, the, the, Find two mistakes with articles and correct them. I bought a picture and a carpet this morning. I've put a picture on the bathroom wall and the carpet on kitchen floor. - put the picture, the kitchen floor, Fill in the gaps with a, an, the or no article. He lives in __ town centre, on __ Park Road, and his house is on __ left. - the,Ø, the, Which of these should begin with the? Andes, Mount Everest, Himalayas, Mount Fuji - the,Ø, the,Ø, Is this sentence right or wrong? Loch Ness is most famous lake in Scotland, because of Loch Ness Monster. - the most famous, the Loch Ness Monster, Find two mistakes with articles and correct them. I really hate the mice, but I love spiders. I have a tarantula at home, and it lives on ceiling. - Ømice, the ceiling,
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