Je veux... - I want (to)..., Je ne veux pas... - I don't want (to)..., Je peux... - I can / I am able (to)..., Je ne peux pas... - I can't / I am not able (to)..., Je sais... - I know / I know how (to)..., Je ne sais pas... - I don't know / I don't know how (to)..., Je dois... - I must / I have to..., Je ne dois pas... - I mustn't / I don't have to..., J'aime... - I like (to)..., Je n'aime pas... - I don't like (to)..., Je vais... - I am going (to)..., Je ne vais pas... - I am not going (to)..., Je préfère... - I prefer (to)..., Je voudrais... - I would like (to)..., Il faut... - It is necessary (to)..., Il ne faut pas... - It is not necessary (to)..., Aimes-tu...? - Do you like (to)...?, Préfères-tu...? - Do you prefer (to)...?, Dois-tu...? - Must you...? / Do you have to...?, Vas-tu...? - Are you going (to)...?, Peux-tu...? - Can you...? / Are you able (to)...?, Veux-tu...? - Do you want (to)...?,

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