liver - makes bile to break down lipids, gallbladder - stores bile; located behind the liver, salivary amylase - enzyme that begins chemical digestion of carbs in the mouth, pancreatic amylase - completes chemical digestion of carbs in the small intestine, pancreatic protease (trypsin) - used for chemical digestion of proteins in the small intestine, pancreatic lipase - used for chemical digestion of lipids in the small intestine, villi - fingerlike projections in the small intestine used for nutrient absorption, diffusion - the process by which nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream, large intestine - absorption of water occurs in the organ, small intestine - absorption of nutrients occurs here, esophagus - tube that carries the bolus to the stomach, bolus - ball of chewed food that is swallowed, chyme - fluid released from the stomach after mechanical and chemical digestion, cardiac sphincter - circular muscle that acts as a valve between the esophagus and the stomach, pyloric sphincter - circular muscle that acts as a valve between the stomach and the small intestine, pepsin - used for chemical digestion of proteins in the stomach, hydrochloric acid - ph = 2; aids in digestion in the stomach, peristalsis - muscle contractions of the digestive tract that aid in moving nutrients and wastes through the system, epiglottis - "flap" that covers the trachea and prevents food from entering the windpipe during swallowing, rectum - wastes are stored here after passing through the large intestine, anus - wastes are eliminated from the body via this location, insulin - produced by the pancreas; lowers blood glucose after you eat, glucagon - produced by the pancreas; raises blood glucose as needed in the body, chemical digestion - using water, acid, and enzymes to break bonds of food, mechanical digestion - physically breaking apart food by chewing or muscle contractions to increase surface area,
Digestive System Process (Review)
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