He had a very thinly disguised dislike of the music industry and the people in it. - barely hidden; you almost cannot hide it, He had a stubborn streak that made him unpopular with managers and agents. - a stubborn side to his character , Despite his gruff exterior, he had a sharp wit.  - 1. rude and unfriendly/ 2. be amusing in a clever way , He had a forthright manner and was capable of open hostility if he thought he was being manipulated./ His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness - (too) honest or direct in behaviour:, He asked me to work at the weekend, but I refused point-blank. - saying something very clearly in very few words, without trying to be polite or pleasant:, She always seemed full of pent-up anger towards the world in general - Anger he did not express , She is adamant that everyone in the building hates her, including the music therapist./ The mayor adamantly refused to consider a tax increase./. She was adamant about becoming a dancer.   - unwilling to be persuaded to change an opinion or decision:, 1) She's got an observant eye for detail noticing every single thing that was said/ 2. You need to be observant of cultural traditions while abroad. - 1) good or quick at noticing things/ 2. careful in obeying laws, traditions and customs , She's got a razor-sharp mind. - A person who thinks very clearly and quickly, She meticulously planned every decorating detail./ She was meticulous about keeping her expense receipts properly filed./ His meticulous attention to detail has contributed to the company's success/ Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book - very careful and with great attention to every detail/ very careful to consider every detail in a process:, A lot of people feel that politicians are just self-seeking opportunists/ They engaged in interest-based self-seeking alongside principled debate. - interested in your own advantage in everything that you do:, You look thoughtful/ Thank you for calling when I was ill - it was very thoughtful of you/  - quiet because you are thinking about something/ introspective/ ruminative ,


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