1) What does the root audi mean? a) to see b) to hear c) can do d) to say or speak 2) What does the root bio mean? a) to see b) extreme fear c) life d) to write 3) What does the root dict mean? a) to hear b) study of c) to measure d) to speak or say 4) What does the root vis/vid mean? a) far b) to see c) can do d) extreme fear 5) What does the root -ology mean? a) the study of b) can do c) say or speak d) to see 6) What does the root circum mean? a) the study of b) can do c) around d) to see 7) What does the root cycl mean? a) the study of b) circle c) around d) to see 8) What does the root phil mean? a) the study of b) circle c) around d) love 9) What does the root mem mean? a) the mindful, recall b) circle c) around d) love 10) What does the root phon mean? a) the mindful, recall b) sound c) around d) love 11) What does the root aqua mean? a) the mindful, recall b) water c) around d) love 12) What does the root scrib/script mean? a) hear b) write c) love d) around 13) What does the root centr- mean? a) write b) life c) middle, center d) circle 14) What does the root graph/gram- mean? a) middle b) life c) write, draw, describe or record d) study of 15) What does the root tract mean? a) to pull or draw towards b) one c) love d) recall 16) What does the root chron mean? a) to pull b) time c) see d) life 17) What does the greek root HYDR mean? a) water b) sea c) write d) love 18) What does the Latin root LOC mean? a) place b) water c) time d) life 19) What does the Latin root TEMP mean? a) sound b) recall c) love d) time 20) What does the Latin root PLUR mean? a) many b) love c) time d) write 21) What does the Latin root MOB/MOT mean? a) middle b) love c) move d) study of 22) What does the Latin root TEND/TENS/TENT mean? a) draw b) hear c) around d) stretch, give 23) What does the Latin root POLY/MULTI mean? a) many b) light c) life d) large 24) What does the Latin root MONO mean? a) four b) many c) two d) one 25) What does the Latin root PLUR mean? a) one b) more c) draw d) record

Greek and Latin Roots



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