prone - lying face down, supine - laying on your back, bradycardia - slow heart rate, tachycardia - fast heart rate, hyperglycemia - high blood sugar, fracture - fx, proximal - closer to the attachment point, prenatal - before birth, colonoscopy - visual exam of the colon, myopathy - muscle disease, towards the front of the body - anterior, towards the back of the body - posterior, a or an - without, asystole - no heart beat, osteosarcoma - bone cancer, osteoarthritis - inflammation of the bones & joints, dyspnea - difficulty breathing, pericarditis - inflammation around the heart, mammogram - x-ray pic of the breast, splenectomy - removal of the spleen, cytology - study of the cells, anemia - lack of red blood cells in the body, renal failure - kidney failure , CVA - stroke, MI - heart attack, hyperthyroidism - overactive thyroid gland, gastritis - inflammation of the stomach, hepatitis - inflammation of the liver, hematoxia - blood poisoning, hypodermic - under the skin,

Medical Terms



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