1) Which of these are used in instruction writing? (Think about format - what does it look like on the page?) a) Lots of adjectives b) Short, clear sentences c) Bullet points or numbered lists d) Imperative verbs e) Sequencing connectives f) Start with a "How to ......" heading 2) Which of these are sequencing connectives? a) First, next, after that, then, meanwhile, finally. b) Furthermore, also, in addition. c) Of course, naturally, obviously, clearly. d) But, however, alternatively, apart from. 3) Imperative verbs are also known as? a) Action verbs b) Bossy verbs - they tell people what to do c) Lively verbs d) Demanding verbs 4) Which of these words are imperative verbs? a) chop b) mix c) table d) quickly e) go f) take 5) Should instructions be written in... a) Future tense b) Past tense c) Present tense

Instruction writing


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