1) The author tells about events in the order they occurred, or gives steps that tell how to do something. a) Cause and effect b) Chronological c) Problem and Solution d) Description 2) A plastic bag leaves the grocery store. It flies out of the garage and onto the lawn. Next, a chipmunk gets stuck in the handles before breaking free. Finally, it ends up in the city dump. a) Description b) Compare/Contrast c) Chronological d) Problem/Solution 3) The author presents a problem and one or more steps taken to solve the problem. The text may also include pros and cons of each solution. a) Compare/Contrast b) Description c) Cause and effect d) Problem and Solution 4) This text structure includes key words such as: first, next, then, finally. a) Compare/Contrast b) Chronological c) Problem/Solution d) Description 5) The text is written in a way that tells the causes and effects of an event. a) Chronological b) Description c) Compare/Contrast d) Cause and effect 6) This text structure includes key words such as: problem, conflict, dilemma, solution, reason. a) Cause/Effect b) Chronological c) Problem/Solution d) Description 7) Beijing is one of the most polluted cities in the world. On the other hand, Minneapolis has strict laws to maintain its cleanliness.. a) Cause/Effect b) Description c) Compare/Contrast d) Problem/Solution 8) Air pollution is a serious problem across the world. One major way we can prevent air pollution is by driving less often. a) Chronological b) Description c) Compare/Contrast d) Problem/Solution 9) This text structure includes key words such as: because, so, as a result, then, effects of. a) Cause/Effect b) Problem/Solution c) Chronological d) Description 10) The author tells how two things are alike and different. a) Description b) Chronological c) Problem and Solution d) Compare/Contrast 11) This text structure includes key words such as: different, similarly, both, on the other hand. a) Problem/Solution b) Description c) Compare/Contrast d) Chronological 12) Oils spills can happen due to accidents, natural disasters, or terrorists. a) Cause/Effect b) Sequence c) Compare/Contrast d) Problem/Solution
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