Can you say the days of the week in ten seconds?, Can you sleep a) in a bus or a plane? b) with the light on?, Can you a) play tennis? b) play chess? c) swim 2 km?, Can you say three things you can do with your mobile?, Can you spell these numbers in words correctly? a) 8 b) 15 c) 30, Can you easily remember a) people’s names? b) birthdays?, Can you park easily a) in the street outside your house? b) in the city centre?, Can you remember  the opposites of these adjectives? a) full b) strong c) dangerous, Can you spell your name and address in English?, Can you count down from 20-1 in ten seconds?, Can you say "Hello" in 5 languages?, Can you say 3 things you have in your wallet?, Can you say 3 things you can't do in the library?, Can you say 3 things you can do online?, Can you drive a) car? b) a motorbike?, Can you remember phone numbers of 3 people in your family?, Can you say 3 places where you can't use your mobile?.

EF Elementary Unit 5A Can/ can't


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