1) Твій брат буде дивитися телевізор ввечері.  a) Your brother will watches TV this evening. b) Your brother will watch TV this evening. c) Your brother will watches TV. d) Your brother watches TV this evening. 2) Вони поїдуть на море восени. a) They will go to the see in winter. b) They will go to the sea in autumn. c) They will go to the see in summer. d) They will go to the sea in spring. 3) Моя мама спече торта наступного місяця. a) My mother will make a cake next weekend. b) My mother will make a cake next month. c) My mother will make a cake next year. d) My mother will make a cake next week. 4) Я піду до школи наступного понеділка. a) I will go to the cinema on Monday. b) I will go to school on Monday. c) I will go to school next Monday. d) I go shopping on Monday. 5) Я буду у 5 класі в наступному році. a) I will am in the 5th form next year. b) I will be in the 5th form next year. c) I be in the 5th form next year. d) I am in the 5th form next year. 6) Моя подруг буде гратися з лялькою завтра.  a) My friend will plays with a doll tomorrow.  b) My friend will play with a doll .  c) My friend plays with a doll tomorrow.  d) My friend will a doll. 7) Мілана буде купатися у морі наступного року. a) Milana will swim in the sea next year. b) Milana will swim in the river next year. c) Milana will swim in the ocean next year. d) Milana will swim in the swimming pool next year. 8) Я буду читати книжки на осінніх канікулах. a) I will read books on winter holidays. b) I will read books on spring holidays. c) I will read books on summer holidays. d) I will read books on autumn holidays. 9) Ми купимо машину наступного літа.  a) We will a car next autumn. b) We will buy a car next summer. c) We will buying a car next autumn. d) We will buy a car next spring. 10) Моя сім'я буде готувати вечерю наступних вихідних.  a) My family will cook dinner next weekend. b) My family will cook dinner next week. c) My family will cooked dinner next month. d) My family will cooking dinner next year.

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