selfish - people think about themselves and not about other people , spoilt - children are rude and behave badly because they are given everything they want. , mature - people behave like adults., honest - people always tell the truth and never steal or cheat., charming - people have an attractive personality and people like them., sensible - people have common sense and are practical., sociable - people are friendly and enjoy being with other people. SYN outgoing, anxious - people are often worried or stressed., imaginative - people have a good imagination., independent - people like doing things on their own, without help., bossy - people like telling other people what to do., insecure - people are not confident about themselves., sensitive - people can be easily hurt or offended., stubborn - people never change their opinion or attitude about something., patient - people can wait for a long time or accept difficulties without getting angry., ambitious - people want to be successful in life., reliable - people are ones who you can trust or depend on. SYN responsible, self-confident - people are sure of themselves and their abilities., rebellious - people don't like obeying rules. , competitive - people always want to win., affectionate - people show that they love or like other people very much., moody - people have moods that change quickly and often.,
English File B1 Personality
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