1) Who is the Founder of Girl Scouts? a) Juliette Low b) Juliette Bow c) James Gordon d) Samantha Juliette 2) What are the Six Levels of Girl Scouting a) Daisy, Bluebell, Junior, Senior, Ambassador, Leader b) Cupcake, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador c) Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Guide, Ambassador, Cadette d) Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, Ambassador 3) What is the Girl Scout Motto? a) Do Your Best b) Be Prepared c) Follow Your Dreams d) Follow your Heart 4) BONUS: Guess what type of bear your counselor is thinking of! a) Bear 1 b) Bear 2 c) Bear 3 d) Bear 4 5) What year was Girl Scouts Founded a) 1921 b) 1913 c) 1912 d) 1902 6) What color is the Daisy Girl Scout Uniform? a) Green b) White c) Rainbow d) Blue 7) What are the triangle-shaped badges that Brownie Girl Scouts earn? a) Try Its b) Learn Its c) Petals d) Stickers 8) BONUS: What's the Dragon's Name in the Hobbit book? a) Old Smokey b) Smaug c) King of the Horde d) Pete 9) What is the highest award in Girl Scouts? a) The Eagle Award b) The Gold Award c) The Silver Award d) The Heart of Gold 10) What day do Girl Scouts celebrate thinking day? a) Everyday! b) February 22nd c) March 22nd d) February 2nd 11) What Holiday is also Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday? a) Thanksgiving b) Christmas c) Saint Patrick's Day d) Halloween 12) BONUS: What is the name of this Marvel Character? a) Thor b) Odin c) Iron Man d) Loki 13) What do you call a Girl Scout who is not part of a troop? a) A solo bird b) A Juliette c) A canary d) a daisy 14) What was Juliette Low's nickname? a) Rose b) Mary c) Daisy d) Juile 15) Final Question! How many Girl Scouts are in the United States today? a) 3 Million b) 1.5 Billion c) 1.5 Million d) 300,080,122
Girl Scout Olympics
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