It's big, lives in the river and hunts other animals. - Crocodile, It lives in the savanna, eats leaves and is very tall! - Giraffe, It can climb trees, it is very smart and loves fruits. - Monkey, It lives in the water but it can't swim. It is big, violent but it doesn't eat other animals. - Hippo, It lives in the rain forest, it hunts other animals and is very fast and strong. - Jaguar, It can fly but it isn't a bird. It lives in caves and eats fruits (or blood). - Bat, It lives in the savanna, it hides hides in the grass and doesn't like lions. - Zebra, A big cat that lives in the savanna with a large family and likes to hunt at night. - Lion, It can fly, it lives in the rain forest, eats fruits and nuts. - Parrot, It lives in the trees, eats leaves and it isn't fast. - Sloth, It's a very beautiful and colorful insect that likes flowers. It can fly. - Butterfly, It lives in cold habitats, in a large family, it hunts other animals at night. It looks like a large dog. - Wolf, It lives in the river or ocean and can swim. It can be colorful and some species are carnivores. - Fish, It's super cute, black and white and loves to eat bamboo. It is from China. - Panda, It lives in the Artic and hunts fish and seals. It can swim but it doesn't like to. - Polar Bear,
Animal quiz (Guessing game)
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