Prehistory - the time period before written records, Hominid - early relatives to modern-day humans, Ancestor - relatives or family members who lived in the past, Stone Age - period of time where humans invented and primarily used stone tools, Paleolithic Era - Old Stone Age, which occurred circa 2.6 million years-10,000 BCE, Neolithic Era - New Stone Age, which occurred circa 10,000 years ago and is most associated with the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture, Society - a group of people living together within a community, Hunter-Gatherers - people who hunt animals and gather wild plants to acquire food, Nomads - people without a permanent home, either individually or as a community, who move from place to place, Migration - movement from one location to another, in order to establish a new permanent settlement, Glacier - a large mass of ice that covers a section of land, Domestication - planting foods and breeding animals that are useful for humans, Agriculture - the process of farming, Agricultural Revolution - the large-scale shift from hunting/gathering to farming, which allowed humans to produce large quantities of food, Mesolithic Era - Middle phase of the Stone Age-Approx. 10,000 BCE to 6,000 BCE, Archaeology - the study of the past based upon what earlier people left behind, Settlement - a small community or village, Revolution - a major change, Specialization - the development of skills in a specific kind of work, Artifact - objects made and used by humans,

Stone Age Power Words



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