Curriculum - Courses taught, what is taught and how the material is sequenced, Curriculum Framework - Organized plan defining content to be learned in clear, definable statements, Standards - General statements of what students are expect to know and teachers are expected to teach. Used in Academic Curriculum, Competency - General concepts students are expected to know and be able to do. Used in CTE Curriculum, Objective - Expectation statement focusing on what the student will do to demonstrate learning. , Education Initiative - Programs aimed at the learning and success of all children., Course Plan - Detailed outline of what will be taught in a course based on the curriculum and student needs. , Curriculum Alignment - State and local programs (schools) coordinate. A schools curriculum reflects the State's curriculum, Horizontal Alignment - The same material or content is taught across different classrooms within the same grade. , Vertical Alignment - Content learned in a lower grade prepares students form the next level or grade. , Common Core Standards - Set of educational standards outlining skills and knowledge every student is expected to learn from kindergarten through high school , Every Child Succeeds Act - Provides support for struggling school districts to help improve academic performance of students in poverty. , Engage Every Student Initiative - Supports after school programs to help improve students academic and mental health needs. , STEAM - Using science, technology, engineering, arts, and math to improve problem solving and critical thinking, Next Generation Science Standards - Set of standards based on factual scientific research to produce scientifically literate students. ,
Curriculum Vocabulary
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