elohim - God's name in the first creation story (cosmic creator)., yahweh - God's name in the second creation story (up close and personal)., ruah - breath of life, adamah - dust, dirt, ground, realms - First three days of creation, rulers - God's solution to cosmic problem #2, laughter - Isaac's name means this., Abram - exalted father, Abraham - father of a multitude, Moses - Fulfills God's promise of land and nation., Worldwide - Third part of God's promise to Abraham = ______________ blessing., David - Fulfills God's promise of making a great name for Abraham.., Knowledge - God forbids Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of this tree., Ishmael - Son of Abraham and Hagar, patriarch - male leader of a family/tribe, blondin - faith is more than just belief, Genesis - Book of Beginnings, Pentateuch - "Five Books", monotheism - Belief in one God, Sabbath - The Seventh Day, Big Bang - Scientific Theory of the beginning of the universe, proposed by Catholic priest., trust - Original Sin = Lack of this..., forty - Period of time symbolic for a time of trial or preparation, multiply - God tells Adam and Noah to be fruitful and _____________., name - The people of Babel wanted to make this for themselves., Iraq - Abraham was originally from the city of Ur in Mesopotamia, this modern day country..., Isaac - Son of Abraham and Sarah, Lot - Abraham's nephew,
Genesis: Creation through Abraham
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