Neshama - This is the part of us that sees Hashem, Har Sinai - All Jewish people saw Hashem at _____, Believe in Hashem - Every mitzvah in the Torah comes from this mitzvah, Mind - An aveirah that is only done in the _____ is not punishable by Beis Din, Min - When someone says there is no Hashem or that there is something besides Hashem, they are called a ______, Six - There are ____ mitzvos that we need to do always, Good - Hashem only does things that are _____ good for us, aveiros - Sometimes Hashem gives a person pain to erase his ______, Teshuva - This special mitzvah is only possible when a person has done an aveirah, Reward - When we do mitzvos, it should not be to get a ______., Jew - Just like a soldier represents his country, a ____ represents Hashem, Saving a life - In most cases _____ ___ ______ is more important than any mitzvah, Three - A person has to give up his life rather than violate _____ aveiros, Before - You can erase a letter that is written ______ one of the 7 names of Hashem, Destroyed - The furniture from a shul may not be ______., Mashal - A navi gets a nevuah as a ______., Nevuah - A navi must always be prepared to receive a ______., Test - Once a Navi has proven himself, we are not allowed to ______ him, Deserve it - Because of the middah of "חנון", Hashem gives people what they need, even if they don't _______ it, Ninveh - The story of ______ is an example of Hashem being "slow to anger" - ארך אפים, Talmidei Chachamim - Being around ________ can teach us how to be better people, Escort - When guests leave, you should _____ them out of your house, Wedding - The mitzvah of hachnosas kallah means helping someone pay for their _________, Davening - Bikur cholim can be done by visiting a person or by _____ for them, Bury - When you help ____ a person, it is a special mitzvah because they cannot pay you back. , Nichum Aveilim - Visiting someone whose relative just passed away fulfills the mitzvah of _______.,
Chidon Book 1: Review of Units 1-9
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