post road - a route used to deliver mail, debtor - a person who owes money, religious toleration - freedom from everyone to practice their religion as they wanted to, export - goods shipped to another country to be sold, cash crop - a crop that a farmer grows only to sell, proprietor - single owner of all land, meetinghouse - the building at the center of a Puritan life, self-sufficient - providing for one's own needs, subsistence - raising enough corn or wheat just to feed themselves, apprentice - a person who works with an older more experienced person to learn skills, tidewater - the coastal area where rivers are affected by ocean tides, backcountry - unsettled, or wilderness part of each colony, imports - items brought to a country from the distant places, New England - wood, fish, Middle Colonies - wheat, corn, Southern Colonies - tobacco, indigo, Puritans came to New England for - religious freedom, model community for the Church of England, Leaders of New England towns - ministers,

Colonial America Study Guide



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