You ask for help and senior says you should know how to handle it, and goes for coffee, You get advice from preceptor, but then next preceptor has different guidance, You are feeling fatigued (can barely keep your eyes open), but still have two more hours on shift. What do you do? How may be different if inpatient vs. outpatient?, You have too much to do, so decide to put patients first and deal with paperwork later, You are on call and just had a hit of marijuana. Then the pager goes off OR You call jeopardy and resident smells strongly of alcohol. They said they just had one beer., A patient starts raising their voice and saying you are a horrible doctor and no one here helps them. , An attending often talks about politics, and you feel uncomfortable during these discussions, Your attending often disappears down the hall. You think you can handle it, but the nurses in the room get mad and take it out on you., You had a long day and decide to post about it on facebook - including your annoyance at young people not using condoms (and getting chlamydia) and parents who won’t vaccinate, There was a near miss patient error. You are told to ignore it since nothing happened., You're checking facebook, and your patient requested to 'friend' you, Your patient is chatty and asks questions about you - are you single? where do you live? Do you have children? , Your provide totally fantastic (of course) care to a patient, who then asks for a hug., Your friend reports dysuria and suprapubic pain, and wonders if you could write a script for antibiotics for her., Your patient calls the front desk, demanding a follow up appointment with you. You do not have any appointments available for the next month. The front desk offers a same day appointment with another provider, but they demand to see only you., You walk into your patient’s room, and they greet you by your first name., You know that your patient has financial problems, so you offer to code their cosmetic skin lesion removal as medically indicated., You perform an I&D on a patient, but you’re worried about the healing and packing, so you give them your cell number, so they can text you pictures daily of the progress.
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