1) Power and energy that allows machines or things to work a) Electricity b) Minimize c) Coding d) Current 2) A language that tells computers and machines how to function a) Electricity b) Coding c) Current d) Surgery 3) Dull and ordinary a) Current b) Coding c) Electricity d) Mundane 4) To take the place of a) Mundane b) Electricity c) Replace d) Coding 5) To reduce or decrease a) Minimize b) Coding c) Mundane d) Replace 6) A medical procedure that involves cutting into the body a) Minimize b) Replace c) Surgery d) Mundane 7) At the present time; not in the future or in the past a) Replace b) Surgery c) Current d) Minimize 8) To make someone or something act a certain way a) Minimize b) Current c) Control d) Surgery

Robots and Rovers Vocabulary Game



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