attendre - j'ai attendu - to wait - I have waited, attendre - nous avons attendu - to wait - we have waited, répondre - il a répondu - to answer - he has answered, répondre - nous avons répondu - to answer - we have answered, descendre - nous avons descendu - to bring down - we have brought down, descendre - on a descendu - to bring down - one (casual we) have brought down, vendre - vous avez vendu - to sell - you (vous) have sold, vendre - elles ont vendu - to sell - they (elles) have sold, perdre - ils ont perdu - to lose - they (ils) have lost, perdre - tu as perdu - to lose - you (tu) have lost, rendre - on a rendu - to give back - one (casual we() has given back, rendre - nous avons rendu - to give back - we have given back, battre - nous avons battu - to beat - we have beaten, battre - elle a battu - to beat - she has beaten, apprendre - tu as appris - to learn - you (tu) have learned, apprendre - vous avez appris - to learn - you (vous) have learned, comprendre - j'ai compris - to understand - I have understood, comprendre - ils ont compris - to understand - they (ils) have understood,

PC -RE verbs


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