activation energy - power needed to break the chemical bonds in the reactants in a chemical reaction, active site - region of an enzyme molecule where the complementary surface of its substrate molecule becomes attached, affinity - degree of chemical attraction between reactant molecules, alternative route - step(s) in a metabolic pathway that allow the regular steps to be bypassed, anabolic - type of metabolic pathwaythat brings about the biosynthesis of complex molecules and requires energy, catabolic - type of metabolic pathway that brings about the breakdown of complex molecules and releases energy, catalyst - substance that increases the rate of a reaction and remains unaltered by the reaction the reactionthe reaction, competitive - type of inhibitor with a molecular structure similar to the enzyme's substrate enabling it to become attached to the enzymes's active site, end product - substance formed as a result of an enzyme acting on its substrate, end-product inhibition - process by which a metabolite at a later stage in a pathway builds up and prevents the activity of an enzyme controlling an earlier stage, enzyme - protein made by living cells that acts as a biological catalyst, induced fit - state of close molecular contact resulting from change in shape of an enzyme's active site to accommodate its substrate, inhibitor - regulatory molecule that decreases or halts the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction, metabolism - sum of all the enzyme-controlled biochemical reactions occurring within a cell, non-competitive - type of inhibitor that becomes attached to an enzyme at a position that is not the active site and changes the enzyme's molecular shape, orientation - way in which molecules of two reactants are held together, as determined by the shape of the enzymes active site, reaction rate - amount of chemical change that occurs per unit time, reversible - term for a step in a metabolic pathway that can operate in both a forward and backward direction, specificity - complementary relationship of molecular structure allowing an enzyme to combine with one type of substrate only, substrate - substance on which an enzyme acts, resulting in the formation of an end product, transition - state of reactant molecules that have absorbed enough energy to break their bonds and allow the reaction to occur,

Unit 1.6 - Metabolic pathways glossary



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