1) electricity is the flow of a) current b) voltage c) electritries d) protons e) neutrons 2) The centre of the atom is a a) nuclear b) nucleolus c) nucleus d) electron 3) electrons have a positive charge a) true b) false 4) when you brush your hair its stands up because a) you add electrons b) the electrons repel each other c) the hair becomes charged d) the hair gets messy 5) In a series circuit when you add another bulb in the circuit a) it gets brighter b) it says the same brightness c) it gets dimmer d) the bulb goes out 6) In a series circuit the _______ is the same when you add another bulb a) electrons b) voltage c) current d) resistance 7) which unit is not correct for the symbol a) V(v) b) C(a) c) I(a) d) Q(c) 8) symbol of a battery is a) b) c) d) 9) symbol for a bulb is a) b) c) d) e) 10) In a parallel circuits the ___________ is the same when another bulb is added a) current b) voltage c) resistance

electricity quiz


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