Dates available to work, Ask a question about the job, Previous links with the country, Questions related to the job of waiter, How regularly you do physical activity, Ask questions about the job (working picking up olives), Languages spoken, Your future career plans, Your IT and communication skills, Any specific knowledge that would help you with the job, Any work-related qualifications, The reasons you want to work with children, An enquiry about what there is to do in the area on your days off, Your future education, Details of the last time you went shopping (where and what you bought), Any related qualifications, Reasons for application, Experience of working with young children, Request about working hours, Your opinion of a film you have seen recently, Your plans for accommodation in France, Why you want to work in Paris, Special expertise you have for the job, Other knowledge you have which make you suitable for the job, Information about your hobbies, Ask any two questions about the job., The type of films you like, What you do in your free time, Any previous links with France or a French-speaking country, Details of any career/job plans you have for the future, Bullet Point 1: Personal details (name, age, where you live), Bullet Point 2: School/college/education experience until now, Bullet Point 3: Skills/interests you have which make you right for the job, Bullet Point 4: Related work experience.
Mrs Innes - N5 French Writing
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