positive - A ___ person doesn't have a negative attitude, charming - A ___ person is nice to be with and pleasing, talented - A ___ person is excellent at something and has a lot of skill doing that thing, active - A ___ person does a lot of things and is never still, laid-back - A ___ person is very calm and relaxed, creative - A ___ person has a lot of imagination and makes new things, brave - A ___ person has a lot of courage and takes risks, cheerful - A ___ person always has a smile on her\his face, caring - My grandma looks after everybody, friendly - The local police officer says hello to everybody, popular - This song is ___ at the moment. It is always on the radio., easy-going - Henry gets on with everybody and he is very calm , intelligent - My father is scientist. He is very ___., confident - Suzy isn't nervous or shy when she meets new people.,


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