Blaming - "I don't have any self confidence because of my mom.", Manipulating - "I don't like to upset him, because when I don't do what he wants, he gives me the silent treatment and doesn't let me see my friends.", Placating - "Don't yell at the kids, I didn't pick up the toys today.", Distracting - Throwing in random information to a conversation that has nothing to do with the situation at hand, Generalizing - "We never get to do fun things in this family.", Enmeshed boundaries - A mother provides her daughter love and attention but tends to exploit the relationship, fortifying her own needs by living through her daughter., Rigid boundaries - A family that attempts to hold on to all of it's members without allowing any outsiders in or out., Management style - Chaotic - children often have to make important decisions that caretakers should be making, Emotional support - Negative feelings most of the time, Scapegoating - Client with mental illness is blamed for all the problems in the family., Triagnulation - One parent develops an alliance with a child, so the other parent is relatively uninvolved with both, Multigenerational issues - When the same theme or conflict has existed in a family tree for more than 3 generations,

MH: Dysfunctional Family - Key terms



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