You are running late for school and you realize you forgot to do your homework. Do you copy someone else's homework or tell the teacher the truth?, Your friend confides in you that they cheated on a test. Do you keep their secret or tell the teacher?, You accidentally break your friend's phone. Do you lie about it or take responsibility and offer to fix it?, Your parents ask you if you finished your chores, but you haven't. Do you lie or tell the truth?, You witness a friend stealing from a store. Do you report them or keep quiet?, Your friend asks you if you like their new haircut, but you don't. Do you lie and say it looks good, or tell the truth and risk hurting their feelings?, Your teacher makes a mistake while grading your test and gives you a higher score than you actually earned. Do you keep the higher score or tell your teacher about the mistake?, You are working on a group project and one of your group members isn't contributing their fair share of the work. Do you confront them about it or stay quiet?, You accidentally take home a library book that your friend was waiting to borrow. Do you keep it and pretend you didn't know, or return it and apologize for the mistake?.

Honesty is the best policy



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