1) What do you see in the picture? a) canal b) bridge c) cathedral 2) What do you see in the picture? a) harbour b) department store c) canal 3) How do you call a place where people go shopping? a) market b) cathedral c) temple 4) How do you call a place where royal people lived long time ago? a) city walls b) castle c) church 5) What do you see in the picture? a) hill b) harbour c) city walls 6) What do you see in the picture? a) cathedral b) church c) mosque 7) What do you see in the picture? a) town hall b) church c) temple 8) How do you call a place where Jewish people worship God? a) church b) synagogue c) mosque 9) How do you call a destroyed place that became a tourist attraction? a) lake b) statue c) ruins 10) What do you see in the picture? a) mosque b) temple c) church 11) What do you see in the picture? a) harbour b) palace c) lake 12) How do you call a place where royal people live today? a) palace b) castle c) statue 13) How do you call a place where you can see ancient exhibits? a) museum b) shopping centre c) church 14) What do you see in the picture? a) city walls b) lake c) mall 15) What do you see in the picture? a) city walls b) church c) temple 16) What do you see in the picture? a) a crowded city b) a quiet city c) a dangerous city 17) A city with a lot of thives can be called ... a) noisy b) dangerous c) safe 18) A city with a lot of ancient ruins can be called ... a) historic b) noisy c) clean 19) What do you see in the picture? a) a noisy city b) a safe city c) a clean city 20) Choose a correct spelling: a) exiting b) exciting c) exsiting 21) Choose a correct spelling: a) dangerous b) dangeerous c) dangerus 22) Choose a correct spelling: a) polluted b) poluted c) polutted 23) Choose a correct spelling: a) crowdded b) crawded c) crowded 24) Syria is in the ... a) east b) north c) west 25) Israel is in the ... a) north b) west c) south

5B English File Pre-Intermediate Describing a town/city



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