1) The Louvre is a famous _____ in Paris. a) modern b) museum c) coast d) department store 2) Venice is very ____ in the tourist season. A lot of people go there. a) crowded b) town hall c) shopping centre d) empty 3) Brighton is on the south ____ of England. a) shopping centre b) polluted c) coast d) museum 4) The city centre is ___ in the summer, because everyone goes to the beach. a) cathedral b) shopping centre c) empty d) modern 5) The first king to live in Windsor _____ was Henry I. a) crowded b) medium-sized c) castle d) department store 6) There's a really good _____ near here. It has a lot of good shops and restaurants. a) shopping centre b) medium-sized c) coast d) modern 7) Don't go to that part of city! There's a lot of crime and it's very ____. a) coast b) town hall c) dangerous d) modern 8) St Paul's ____ is in the cenrte of London. a) medium-sized b) noisy c) shopping centre d) cathedral 9) Bordeaux's not big and it's not small. It's a ____ city. a) medium-sized b) castle c) polluted d) modern 10) Do you prefer old or _____ houses? a) modern b) dangerous c) east d) polluted 11) Local Government officials usually have meetings in the ______. a) town hall b) shopping centre c) crowded d) polluted 12) Some cities are very _____ because there are a lot of cars and factories. a) noisy b) dangerous c) coast d) polluted 13) We have a nightclub under our flat. It's very _____ and we can hear music all night. a) coast b) cathedral c) noisy d) east 14) Leige is 100 km to the ____ of Brussels. a) town hall b) east c) crowded d) noisy 15) You can buy everything you need in a ______. a) department store b) modern c) empty d) east

5B English File Pre-Intermediate Describing a town or city.



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