setting - the place and time where a story happens, plot - the events that happen in a story, characters - the people and sometimes animals in a story, medieval world - setting full of swords, horses, castles, knights, dragons, etc., futuristic world - setting that has reminders of our current world but our time is far in the past, maybe has tech we don't currently have, ordinary world - setting where the world is like ours but mixes fantasy elements in, fantastical characters - magical creatures, characters who can do supernatural things, animals that don't really exist, mythical creatures, etc., quest - the hero goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge, and then returns home transformed, hero - the main character in a fantasy, trials - obstacles or challenges the hero must go through, allies - characters who help the hero, talisman - a special or magical item that helps the hero on their quest, supernatural - not possible in the natural world, theme - the life lesson or bigger message in a story, dialogue - when characters are speaking, there will be " ", personification - when human characteristics are given to non-human things, simile - using like or as to make a comparison in order to describe something, metaphor - making a comparison NOT using like or as; just saying that something IS something it is not, onomatopoeia - a word that sounds like the sound it is describing,
Fantasy Writing Vocab
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