burglary - James entered a house through an unlocked door while the owners were away. He took valuable items such as jewelry, electronics, and money., vandalism - Michael intentionally caused damage to public property by spray painting graffiti on walls and buildings around the city., murder - Jennifer intentionally caused the death of another person., arson - Mark set fire to a building or property with the intention of causing damage or destruction., mugging - Alex came to a woman in a public place, using force and threats to steal her personal belongings, such as money, wallet, or phone., looting - During a political meeting, a group of individuals entered stores illegally, taking merchandise and causing damage., shoplifting - Sarah took an item from a store without paying for it., forgery - Lisa created a fake document and used it to get different services., robbery - Paul forcefully took man's belongings and money, using threats or violence, kidnapping - John took someone away against their will, holding them and asking for money to let them go., smuggling - Maria secretly transported illegal things and money across borders, hiding them from authorities., theft - David took someone else's belongings without their permission or knowledge.,
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