1. Where is Tina? - She ____ a cake in the kitchen. 2. Last Friday we ____ a yummy pizza at home. 3. Mum ____ pancakes every Sunday for us. 4. I often ____ bird houses in winter. 1. The children usually ____ in the yard in summer. 2. I ____ in the park now. 3. Jack never ____ in the forest. 4. Yesterday we ____ a lot in the PE lesson. 1. Lisa, ____ you ____ a letter? 2. I sometimes ____ letters to my friends in Britain. 3. Two days ago Mike ____ a nice letter to Jane. 4. My cousin Sam often ____ Biology projects at school. 1. We always ____ nice photos in the forest. 2. Marina usually ____ a salad at the cafe. 3. Look! Lisa ____ your ice cream! 4. It was cold outside, so I ____ my warm gloves. 1. I ____ you this present with all my love! 2. Yesterday Mum ____ me no money for crisps. 3. Bob ____ beautiful flowers to Ann every day. 4. You always ____ me so much love and care. 1. Amy ____ home 20 minutes ago. 2. I usually ____ the office at half past seven. 3. The train always ____ on time. 4. Goodbye, now we ____, see you tomorrow! 1. Sam always ____ to school by bus. 2. You never ____ to the theatre, but why? 3. Andy ____ to his grandparents now. 4. Last week my friends ____ to Saint Petersburg. 1. You ____ home very late yesterday evening. 2. Meg sometimes ____ to school without her mobile phone. 3. Jim, where are you? - I ____, Mum, here I am! 4. Larry and Diana never ____ late to work. 1. Last year we ____ in the Black sea. 2. I often ____ in the lake behind my house when it's warm. 3. Look! The children ____ really well! 4. Kate never ____ in this river alone, it's dangerous. 1. Molly sometimes ____ nice songs to her son. 2. Listen! The birds ____ outside, it's so lovely! 3. We ____ the Russian anthem at school every morning. 4. Last Thursday at the concert Max ____ two new songs in English. 1. Where is Dad? - He ____ lunch in the garden. 2. Last Saturday we ____ Granny's pelmeni. 3. Alice usually ____ an egg and a sausage with bread for breakfast. 4. My children never ____ potatoes. 1. Simon and Simona sometimes ____ strawberry milkshake. 2. Lindsey ____ banana yogurt every afternoon. 3. What are you doing, guys? - We ____ coffee with milk. 4. This morning Andrew ____ only some water. 1. Now the children ____ an English lesson. 2. We always ____ so much fun in PE lessons. 3. On Mondays Nancy ____ only five lessons at school. 4. Yesterday Luke ____ a French class after school. 1. When I'm in the forest I sometimes ____ a squirrel there. 2. The day before yesterday we ____ Eric in town. 3. Mary never ____ me in the school library.

Spotlight4 Irreg Verbs list / PresS, PresS HeSheIt, PresCont, PastS



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