symbiosis - A close cooperative relationship between two different kinds of organism, mutualism - Both species benefit. The two organisms help each other., commensalism - One species benefits. The other species is unaffected., parasitism - One species benefits. The other species is harmed., neutralism - Neither species benefits or is harmed. Both organisms are unaffected., predator - An animal that lives by capturing other animals for food., prey - An animal that is food for another animal., +/+ - Symbols representing mutualism., +/- - Symbols representing parasitism., +/0 - Symbols representing commensalism., 0/0 - Symbols representing neutralism., parasite - An organism that lives on or in another organism and causes it harm., host - An organism on which a parasite lives., mutualism example - Bees collecting pollen and carrying it to other flowers which helps them to reproduce., commensalism example - Barnacles live on whales. Whales are not affected, and barnacles feed on water that passes over them., parasitism example - A tick sucks blood from a dog and potentially infects it with a disease., interdependent - Depends or relies on one another., competition - Individuals compete for the same limited resource in an ecological community. They may compete without coming in contact with each other., animal competition example - Fox and coyote are predators of the same prey., plant competition example - Taller trees shield a forest's understory -- the ground beneath the forest's tree-top canopy -- from sunlight, making it hard for anything to grow but the most shade-tolerant plants., predation - An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism., limiting factor - Any biotic or abiotic factor that impacts the population of organisms in an ecosystem.,

2023 Symbiotic Relationships



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