Four Year college - These award bachelor degrees, Two Year colleges - called junior or community colleges award associates degree, Public Colleges - recieve a great deal of funding from government agencies and cost less than priveate colleges. , Private Colleges - do not recieve a sizable amount of funding from government agencies and cost more than public colleges, Vocational College -Trade School - is a college that trains students in a specialized skill for employent. , Major - A major is a student's chosen field of study. , minor - A minor is designated as a specific nmber of credit hours in a secondary field of study., Letter of Recommendation - A letter of recomendation from a teacher, counselor, principal, or other adult that recommends your acceptance to a college or university, Scholarship - Money received to pay for all or part of your college education., Academic Scholarship - Academci scholarships are usually based on grades and test scores., Athletic scholarship - Athletic scholarships are based on athletic excellence in a partiuclar sport, Master's degree - A degree obtained after a bachelor's degree that is awarded for specialized study usually 2 year program after a person has reiceived a 4-year bachelor's degree.,

Ms. Gerwin's 4/5 College Readiness Class Vocabulary



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