work out (ph v) - to do physical exercise as a way of keeping fit, check-up (n) - a medical examination, especially one taken at regular intervals to verify a normal state of health or discover a disease in its early stages, injection (n) - a drug or another substance that is injected into your body, relieve (v) - makes pain or another bad physical feeling less unpleasant, processed food (n) - food that has had chemicals or other substances added to it to keep it fresh for a long time , high in (to be) - have a large amount of, obese (adj) - too fat, in a way that is dangerous for your health, dizzy (adj) - feeling as if you or the things around you are spinning, especially when you think you are going to fall, shivering - shaking slightly, for example, because you are cold or frightened, treated (adj) - cured, got over (v) - recovered from, injured myself (v) - did damage to myself/hurt myself, twisted (v) - injured a part of your body by bending it in the wrong direction, sprain (v) - injured a joint such as your wrist by suddenly stretching or turning it too much, fracture (v) - to crack or separate into two pieces,
Gateway B2 Unit 6 Vocabulary
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