Element - substance made up of only one type of atom, Atom - the smallest unit of matter, Molecules - formed by two or more atoms bonded by sharing electrons, Compound - substance made up of two or more elements held together by chemical bonds, Mixture - a combination of two or more pure substances in which each pure substance retains its individual chemical properties and is held together by physical forces, Homogenous - mixtures that are uniformly or evenly distributed throughout , Heterogeneous - mixtures that are distributed irregularly or unevenly, Pure substance - an element or compound made up of one type of particle, Solution - must be a homogenous mixture having a uniform distribution, physical appearance, and chemical composition, Solvent - the component that does the dissolving, Solute - the component that is being dissolved, Subunit (subatomic particle) - the particles that make up an atom - neutron, proton, electron, Electron - negatively (-) charged subunit (subatomic particle), Neutron - subunit (subatomic particle) with no charge (0), Proton - positively (+) charged subunit (subatomic particle), Nucleus - protons and neutrons clump together at the center of an atom to form the nucleus of an atom, Periodic table - a chart of all known elements that scientists reference when working with atoms or molecules,

Match Up Atomic Composition



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