1665 - Robert Hooke studied cork and and named the structures he saw "cells". The first person discover/DESCRIBE cells., 1674 - Anton van Leeuwenhoek created a single lens microscope that could magnify 270x. Discovered MICROBES or small "animalcules" or protists in pond "scum" (protists, algae), bacteria, and many other microorganisms., 1590 - Zacharias Janssen invented the first microscope., 1838 - Mathias Schleiden: Botanist who proved that all plants are made of cells., 1839 - Theodore Schwann: Zoologist who observed that tissues of animals were made of cells., 1858 - Rudolf Virchow: Proposed that all cells come from pre-existing cells., 1855 - Robert Remak: Didn't get credit but WAS THE FIRST TO PROVE THAT: All cells come from preexisting cells., When the first two parts of cell theory were developed. - 1839,

Cell Theory Dates



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