Asia - What continent is Japan on?, 12 hours - How long is a flight to Japan from the UK?, 4 - How many main islands is Japan made of?, A dragon - What animal do people often think Japan looks like? , The food - What is something special about Japan?, Blowfish, noodles, sushi - Popular food items in Japan?, Square - What fun shape watermelon do they have in Japan?, Chopsticks - What is the main utensil used to eat in Japan?, Family eating a bucket of KFC chicken - What has become a national tradition during Christmas?, Karaoke - The Japanese invented?, Empty Orchestra - What does the word karaoke mean in Japan?, Pants, flowers, panacakes, hot soup - What can you find in Japan's vending machines?, Rock, paper, scissors - What is a popular game in Japan that has competitions?, Robots - Japan makes some of the best?, One that plays rock, paper, scissors - What kind of Robot has Japan made?, The ring of fire - What area is Japan in?, 2-3 - How many earthquakes a day does Japan have?, Mt. Fuji - What is the highest moutain/volcano in Japan?, Gardens and parks - What are designed like artwork and important to Japan?, Relax - What can zen gardens help people do?, Land of the rising sun - What do some people call Japan?,
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