Used for file transfer over TCP/IP networks. - FTP - File Transfer Protocol (20/21) , Provides secure remote access to systems - SSH- Secure Shell (22), Provides unencrypted remote access to systems. - Telnet (23), Used for sending email messages between servers. - SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (25), Used for transmitting web pages and other HTTP resources. - HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol (80), Used for retrieving email from a server. - POP3 - Post Office Protocol 3 (110), Used for accessing and managing email on a server. server. server. - IMAP - Internet Mail Access Protocol (143), Provides secure HTTP communication over SSL/TLS - HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (443), Used for file and printer sharing in Windows networks. - SMB - Server Message Block (445), Used for remote desktop access to Windows systems. - RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol (3389), Used for dynamically assigning IP addresses to devices on a network. - DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (67/68), Translates domain names to IP addresses. - DNS - Domain Name System (53), Simple file transfer protocol often used for network booting and configuration. - TFTP, Used for network management and monitoring. - SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol (161/162), Used for accessing directory services. - LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(389), used for securely accessing email messages stored on a remote mail server using the IMAP protocol with SSL/TLS encryption - IMAPS - Internet Message Access Protocol over SSL/TLS (993), used for securely accessing email messages stored on a remote mail server using the POP3 protocol with SSL/TLS encryption. - POP3S - Post Office Protocol 3 over SSL/TLS (995), used for securely sending email messages over a network using the SMTP protocol with SSL/TLS encryption. - SMTPS - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure (465),
Ports and Protocols
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