ascertain - After carefully examining the evidence, the detective was able to _____________________ the identity of the culprit., devoid - The abandoned town was _______________ of any signs of life. , earnest - She gave an _______________ apology for her mistake. , exonerated - After a thorough investigation, new evidence surfaced, and the man was proven innocent and _____________________., farce - After the new evidence came to light, the DNA test _______________ the wrongly convicted man, leading to his release from prison., festooned - The streets were _____________ with colorful banners and ribbons in preparation for the annual carnival., fraternizing - In "The Outsiders," the Socs and Greasers were never caught _________________________ with each other. , idiosyncrasy - Her habit of wearing mismatched socks was an endearing _______________., incongruous - The bright pink umbrella seemed _____________ with the gloomy weather., perjury - The witness was charged with ___________ after it was discovered that they had lied under oath during the trial., red herring - The supposed clue about the missing necklace turned out to be a ____________________, leading the detectives down the wrong path in their investigation., stolid - The ______________ man showed little emotion even in the face of great excitement., surreptitious - She made a ________________ move to grab a cookie from the jar without her mom noticing., tenacious - The little puppy was _______________ in chasing after its favorite toy., verisimilitude - The special effects in the movie gave it a sense of __________________, making the scenes look incredibly realistic.,
And Then There Were None (fill in the blank)
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