1) What are the qualities of a good friend? 2) Is friendship important to you? Why? 3) What is your attitude to extreme sports? Do you think extreme sports should be banned? 4) What sports would you like to try in the future? Why? 5) What are popular tourist destinations in your country? Have you ever been to any of them? 6) Is travelling important to you? Why? 7) Is it important for you to follow fashion? Why? 8) What types of clothes did you like to wear 5 years ago? Have your preferences changed over time? 9) What city, town or village do you live in? What is it famous for? 10) Would you like to live in the countryside? Why? 11) Are you an organised person? Why do you think so? 12) What household chores are you responsible for? How often do you do them?

ЕГЭ speaking part 3



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