Plot - the basic sequence of events in a story, Note Catcher - a place to organize your thoughts to better understand the text, Figurative Language - words or phrases put together that mean something other than their literal meaning, Context Clues - other words or clues in a text that help you determine the meaning of an unknown word, Morpheme - the smallest unit of meaning in words, Beginning - where the characters and setting are introduced, Rising Action - A series of evets that develop the conflict, or problem, Climax - Where the conflict reaches its peak, Resolution - tells how the conflict is resolved, Character Development - Characters change throughout a story. This contributes to the plot by showing us the leson that the character has learned, or theme. , Theme - The message, or lesson that the character has learned, Point of View - the type of narration used in a story, First Person Narration - The narrator is a character in the story, telling the story from their own point of view. (I, me, my), Third Person Narration - The narrator is not a character in the story, and tells the actions of the characters by referring to their names (he, she, Kendall, Brooks) , Perspective - A charactre's attitude or way of regarding someone or something in a story, Summarize - putting the most important ideas or information of a text into your own words, Poetry - a type of literary text that often uses rhyme or rhythm, Line - a single row of words in a poem, Stanza - a group of lines in a poem that are separated from each other by a space , Simile - a comparison of two things using like/as, Metaphor - a comparison of two things without using like/as, Personification - giving animals or objects human characteristics/traits, Hyperbole - an extreme exaggeration, Alliteration - repetition of the same beginning sound in a phrase, Onomatopoeia - sound words, Setting - when and where a story takes place, Limerick - five lined poem with a rhyme scheme of AABBA, Haiku - a 3 lined poem with no rhyme scheme, Rhymed Verse - a poem that has rhyme and rhythm, Free Verse - a poem using descriptive word and figurative language that does not have a pattern of rhyme or rhythm,
Prose and Poetry Vocabulary
4th Grade
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