Oral Cavity - Contains teeth, tongue and salivary glands, Tongue - Helps get food material between teeth; Mixes food with saliva to form a bolus, Teeth - Mechanical digestion during mastication (chewing) begins to break down food., Salivary Gland - Makes saliva, which softens & moistens food to help with swallowing, Pharynx - Air, food and fluids pass through here; The epiglottis opens and closes here so food travels the right way., Esophagus - Tube from pharynx to stomach; Food goes down this tube through peristalsis, Stomach - Food is broken down through mixing, churning, and mashing; Gastric juices break down food chemically., Small Intestine - A long tube, about 20 feet long; Most digestion & absorption occurs here; Breaks down food even more so your body can absorb vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats., Large Intestine - Also called the colon; Absorption of water and electrolytes; Bacteria prevents growth of pathogens, Rectum - Solid waste stays here until ready for defecation, Anal Canal - Solid waste is pushed through here; Closed by sphincters, except during defecation, Liver - Makes bile for fat digestion; Helps detoxification from drugs and other harmful substances, Gall Bladder - green sac under liver; stores excess bile (made by liver) until it is needed; puts bile into small intestine, Pancreas - secrete insulin and glucagon; releases digestive enzymes into small intestine, Appendix - attached to the large intestine; small job in protecting intestines from harmful bacteria; people can live without it,
Digestive System: Anatomy and Physiology Matching
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