Subcontinent - a large landmass that is smaller than a continent, Monsoon - seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons, Sanskrit - the most important written language of ancient India, major source of information for the Vedic Society, Caste System - dividing Indian society into groups based on a person's birth, wealth, or occupation. determined his/her place in society, Hinduism - largest religion in India today; blending of ideas; no founder, world's oldest major religion, Reincarnation - process of rebirth, souls are born and reborn many times, each time in a new body, Karma - the effects that good or bad actions have on a person’s soul, Jainism - ancient religion in India. teachings emphasize four basic principles: injure no life, tell the truth, do not steal, and own no property, Non-Violence - avoidance of violent actions, Sikhism - monotheistic ; goal to be reunited with God after death through spiritual enlightenment ; reincarnation ; live truthfully & treat people equally, Fasting - going without food, Meditation - focusing the mind on spiritual ideas, Buddhism - religion based on the teachings of Buddha, Nirvana - state of perfect peace, Missionaries - people who work to spread their religions beliefs, Metallurgy - science of working with metals, Alloys - mixtures of two or more metals, Hindu-Arabic Numerals - the numbers we use today created by Indian scholars and brought to Europe by Arabs, Inoculation - injecting a person with a small dose of a virus to help him or her build up defenses to a disease, Astronomy - the study of the stars and planets,
Chapter 5 Vocabulary
8th Grade
Social studies
World history
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