1) Which is the correct test for Speed and Agility  a) Illinois agility run test b) grip dynamometer c) forestry step test d) shuttle run test 2) What is the correct test for Flexibility  a) touching your toes b) sit and reach test c) Multi-stage fitness test d) vertical jump test 3) What is the correct test for speed a) 35m sprint b) 40m sprint c) 45m sprint d) 50m sprint 4) What is the correct test for Anaerobic Power a) Vertical jump test b) one minute press up test c) one minute sit up test d) Box Jumps  5) What 2 test are used to measure Aerobic Endurance  a) Multi-Stage fitness test b) 35m Sprint c) illinois agility test d) forestry step test 6) What is the correct test for strength  a) Grip dynamometer b) sit and reach c) vertical jump test d) 1 minute squat 7) "The maximum amount of oxygen uptake, usually measured in ml of oxygen per kg of body mass per minute" -What is this definition referring to   a) 1 RM b) VO² max c) Maximum breathing rate d) Heart rate per minute  8) Continuous training is used to improve which component of fitness a) Muscular strength b) Flexibility c) Aerobic endurance d) speed 9) .................... involves using your someone or something to hold a stretch in 1 position a) Active b) passive c) PNF d) Ballistic 10) Which one of these is NOT a type of speed training  a) Hill sprint b) hollow sprint c) continuous training d) acceleration sprint  11) increasing your pace over a short distance is...... a) interval training b) acceleration sprints c) hallow sprints d) circuit training  12) What does the I stand for in the FITT principles a) Interval b) intensity c) intencity 13) Changing speeds and terrains you are running is ...... a) Fartlek training b) weight training c) continuous training d) flexibility training 14) Lifting high weights and low reps will improve what..... a) power b) weight lifting c) muscular strength d) muscular endurance  15) The training method shown in the picture is..... a) Free weight b) speed training c) weight training d) muscular strength 16) Why is reaction time important for a sprinter  a) To be able to start better b) To react to the gun c) To finish better than i started 17) Which of the following components of fitness is not important for a boxer  a) Power b) Muscular strength (In the arms) c) Balance d) flexibility 18) What is the correct scale for the Borg scale  a) 0-20 b) 6-10 c) 6-15 d) 6-20

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