biodiversity - The variety of living things. The more different species in an area, the better the ecosystem health., sustainability - Meeting the needs of the present without hurting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Finding a BALANCE., regenerative agriculture - Farming and grazing practices that work rebuild and "regenerate" soil organic matter and help soil biodiversity., healthy soil - Is less likely to experience drought, sequesters (holds) more carbon, reduces erosion, grows healthier plants., ecological succession - Gradual natural changes that happen over time following a disturbance. Different types of plants come in at different stages. For example: plants are beginning to grow back in the soil at the Desert of Maine., pathfinder plants - Early successional species...the plants that show up first as an ecosystem starts to regrow., benefits of biodiversity - Multiple food sources, more genetic variation, health of the ecosystems. More=better., organic farming - The use of natural substances rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides to enrich the soil and grow crops., carbon sequestering - Any process by which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere. It can involve technology or be as simple as planting trees. For example: Healthy soil holds more carbon dioxide than unhealthy soil., cover crops (soil conservation) - The use of fast growing crops between harvesting of main crops to ensure bare soil is not exposed for too long., ecosystem regeneration - When an ecosystem can regrow, naturally, after being damaged or lost.,

Farming Related Vocabulary



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