1) Compaction occurs when... a) sediment is moved by wind, water, or ice b) rock is broken down by wind, water, and ice c) sediment is dropped off by wind, water, and ice d) layers of sediment are pressed together by natural forces 2) Sediment is... a) small pieces of rock b) the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice c) the dropping of sediment by wind, water, and ice d) layers of sediment that are pressed together by natural forces 3) Sedimentary rock is... a) the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice b) the dropping of sediment by wind, water, and ice c) a type of rock formed by layers of sediment d) a small piece of rock 4) Deposition is... a) the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice b) a type of rock formed by layers of sediment c) layers of sediment pressed together by natural forces d) the dropping of sediment by wind, water, and ice 5) Weathering is... a) a solid fuel source formed from decaying swamp plants b) a type of rock formed by layers of sediment c) the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice d) the dropping of sediment by wind, water, and ice 6) Erosion is... a) a solid fuel source formed from decaying swamp plants b) the movement of sediment by wind, water, or ice c) the breaking down of rock by wind, water, and ice d) the dropping of sediment by wind, water, and ice 7) The diagram shows the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rock in order. Choose the processes that lead to the formation of sedimentary rock in sequential order. a) 1. weathering & erosion 2. deposition 3. compaction and cementation b) 1. deposition 2. weathering and erosion 3. compaction and cementation c) 1. compaction and cementation 2. deposition 3. weathering and erosion 8) Which of these mnemonic devices is used to remember the process of the formation of sedimentary rock? a) WED DC b) WED CC c) DEW CC d) CC WED 9) What does WED CC represent? a) the process of the formation of igneous rock b) the process of the formation of sedimentary rock c) the process of baking a cake d) the process of farming 10) The process where particles of sediment begin to stick to each other - they are cemented together by clay, or by minerals like silica or calcite is called... a) weathering b) erosion c) deposition d) compaction e) cementation
Andrews Sedimentary Rocks
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