Взрослые Present Simple
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Do you ... ?
Kartu acak
Bg Unit 1-3 to be / not to be
Pengurutan grup
present perfect vs past simple time phrases
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Present Perfect VS Past Simple
Kartu acak
Membuka kotak
Active into Passive (Present Simple)
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Present Simple Passive Voice
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Benarkan Kalimat
YL Present Simple (ending -s/-es)
Pengurutan grup
don't / doesn't
Present Simple ( word order) +
Benarkan Kalimat
Describe your daily routine - sound on
Kartu acak
Present simple (+, -, ?)
Pengejaran dalam labirin
Present Simple sentences.
Benarkan Kalimat
Present Simple Special questions
Kartu lampu kilat
Present Simple -s
Pengurutan grup
Wh-questions - Choice
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple
Kartu acak
present simple (+, -, ?)
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Present Simple ( mistakes search )
Benar atau salah
Present simple "?"
Wh-questions - Present Simple
Balik ubin
Present Simple_questions
Kartu lampu kilat
YL Present Simple (he/she/it)
Benarkan Kalimat
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Kartu acak
Permainan Pencocokan
Beginner Unit 2-2 Present simple (+/?)
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Present Simple - make a sentence(affirmative/negative/interrogative)
Benarkan Kalimat
Simple Tenses
What's happened?
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It takes me ... to have breakfast
Roda acak
Past memories (used to)
Membuka kotak
Past Simple Speaking
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Roadmap A2+ 2B Past Simple questions
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Active into passive (Past Simple)
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Past Simple short story
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Regular and irregular verbs (Past Simple)
Permainan Pencocokan
Present Perfect + just / already / yet
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Superlatives+Present perfect
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EF beginner 9A verbs Travelling
Balik ubin
Family Problems_Gateway B1_Unit 1
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Daily routine
Roda acak
YL Present Simple
Benarkan Kalimat
Present Perfect Speaking
Kartu acak
Have you ever ... Elem Questions
Kartu acak
Do you remember....
Kartu acak
Open the card and answer the questions
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