Середня школа Англійська мова Phrasal Verbs
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Phrasal verbs 1-20
Kartu acak
Вправа 2
Unit 8. Food Verbs
Permainan Pencocokan
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs (II) UA
Menemukan kecocokan
Ordering food
Lengkapi kalimatnya
Focus 1 Unit 2.1 food containers
Pengurutan grup
Sports Equipment Solutions Pre-Int
Pengurutan grup
Wider world 1 unit 2 vocabulary
Focus 2 Unit 1 1.5 gerund or infinitive
Membuka kotak
Focus 2 Unit 1 adjectives
Permainan Pencocokan
To be questions A2
Roda acak
Focus 1 Unit 3 jobs
Kartu lampu kilat
Christmas speaking cards
Membuka kotak
WW1 Unit 1.1
Permainan Pencocokan
Focus 3 Unit 6 Idioms
Permainan Pencocokan
Focus 2 Unit 2.4
Menemukan kecocokan
Full Blast Have you ever...?
Roda acak
Focus 2 Unit 4.1 house
Kartu lampu kilat
Focus 2 Unit 2
Kartu lampu kilat
The... the..+comparatives
Kartu acak
WW1/ Unit 1/ Clothes
Kartu acak
Tell me about yourself
Membuka kotak
Wider World 1 Unit 2 2.3
Permainan Pencocokan
phrasal verbs ww2
Gold B1 Unit 3 Phrasal verbs p30
Permainan Pencocokan
4A Parts of the house Solutions Intermediate
Permainan Pencocokan
GG2 3.6
Benar atau salah
Go getter 1 clothes
Si Algojo
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings
Permainan Pencocokan
Health problems vocab quiz(Roadmap A2 unit 9A)
Permainan Pencocokan
Adverbs. Put words in order to make a sentence
Benarkan Kalimat
Speaking (elementary)
Membuka kotak
Permainan Pencocokan
Phrases Go Getter 4 Unit3.1
Kuis Menang atau kalah
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes
Pengurutan grup
Shopping GG3 2.1
Balik ubin
Speaking have to
Kartu acak
Prepare 5 NUS unit 17
Permainan Pencocokan
Solutions Pre 1A Feelings
Permainan Pencocokan
WW 3 gerund or inf?
Pengurutan grup
Present Simple Active VS Passive
Kartu acak
Go getter 3 unit 0.4
Kuis gameshow
Membuka kotak
Solutions Interm Unit 4A - Types of houses
Permainan Pencocokan
Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
Kartu acak
WW 2 Unit 2
Daily routine speaking
Roda acak
This that these those Gameshow quiz
Kuis gameshow
Object Pronouns