Contoh dari komunitas kami
175 hasil untuk 'ate'
suffix ate
Pengurutan grup
6.11 ate, ite long short sort
Pengurutan grup
Pasangan yang cocok
Menemukan kecocokan
-ate/-ite memory
Pasangan yang cocok
10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1
Kuis gameshow
ate ite ine Wilson 10.1
Roda acak
-it,-et,-ite,-ate =/it ate =/ate/
Pasangan yang cocok
Suffixes -able -ate -ible
Pengurutan grup
ate --> tion words
Kartu acak
Wilson 10.1 (ite, ate, ine)
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
Pasangan yang cocok
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
Kartu acak
ate, ite, ine, ile words
Pengurutan grup
Unaccented final syllable /et/ spelled -et, -it, -ate
Pengurutan grup
Is it pronounced ATE as in GATE or UT as in BUT?
Pengurutan grup
Pengejaran dalam labirin
Pasangan yang cocok
Mencari Kata
-ate Group Sort
Pengurutan grup
Pecah Balon
I ate
Membuka kotak
-ate Suffix
Kuis gameshow
-ate verbs
Permainan Pencocokan
-ate words
Membuka kotak
Suffix: -ate
Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
-ate flashcards
Kartu lampu kilat
-ate words
Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
<ate> pronounced as /ate/ vs. /et/
Kartu lampu kilat
6.11 ate, ite sort
Suffix -ate (verb)
Menemukan kecocokan
I ate your grandma
Kuis gameshow
conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite
Tonton dan hafalkan
-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/
Pecah Balon
What did he ate?
Permainan Pencocokan
Terrence ite/ate/ine
Pasangan yang cocok
ame & ate word families
Permainan Pencocokan
-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/
Pecah Balon
ITE and ATE Units
Kartu acak
ad opt ate Sentences
Permainan Pencocokan
ake, ape, ate
Pengurutan grup
it, et, ite, ate
Pasangan yang cocok
ate or ut?
Kuis gameshow
-ATE Word Family
Whack-a-mole (Memukul Tikus Mondok)
Unaccented final syllabe "ate" crossword
Teka Teki Silang
ate word wheel
Roda acak
Memory AT v. ATE
Pasangan yang cocok
Week #25, -ate words
Permainan Pencocokan
VCe Fluency (ate ... time)
Kartu lampu kilat
6.11 ate vs ite
Pengurutan grup
ad opt ate Definitions
Permainan Pencocokan
ite ate words
Teka Teki Silang
10.1 age, ite, ate group sort
Pengurutan grup
at and ate
Pengurutan grup
-ATE/-ALE Memory
Pasangan yang cocok
Two sounds of ATE
Kartu acak
/ate/ or /it/?
Kuis gameshow
who ate cat